Thursday, May 10, 2012


See link below. In my opinion, all Provincial Nominee Programs are a joke and need to be shut down. They do nothing for the economy, and they do nothing for immigrants, only to allow some to park their families in Canada, get free education, free health care, in exchange for a dubious investment that only makes the banks rich and is a terrible allocation of capital. No sane investor would put money in one of those programs expecting a return, they merely use the program to gain residency. Shut them all down, including Quebec's, which is the worst offender as no one stays in that province, and design a federal program for real entrepreneurs who put capital at risk, bring innovation and create jobs and training. They have the right to succeed...and to fail. Memo to Minister Kenney: Let the free market prevail. Stop trying to be a nanny, these are well to do adults who can understand market risks and get independent legal advice.

Citizenship and Immigration investigating P.E.I. PNP - Local - The Guardian

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