Friday, May 11, 2012


See link to article below. While it is true that many immigrants who appear qualified on paper are stuck in low paying jobs, it is important to note that majority of them came to Canada either without a job offer, as "'refugees", or as sponsored spouses or relatives.  Some of their qualifications seem good on paper, but employers do not always need overqualified workers, rather those who adapt , think independently, are creative and can work in a team setting. Also, it is important to note that many immigrants do not have appropriate language skills for the labour market.

The solution? increase the role of employers in the selection process, insist on language testing for all immigrants (including sponsored ones) prior to their application, and ensure that their qualifications and experience are acceptable to employers; concentrate on immigrants coming from countries with educational systems similar to Canada and the United States. Consider that there are hundreds of thousands of qualified, English-speaking, experienced and currently unemployed potential immigrants in Ireland, the UK and other Eurozone countries experiencing a downturn who will adapt quickly, are less expensive for Canada to process and are work-ready; it is nonsensical to look for people who will not be employable when Canada can welcome those who have jobs waiting for them. Since we expect the market to accept them after they come, then let the market decide who is best suited for a job. Canada should stop trying to force the labour market to "adapt" to newcomers, rather it should be the opposite, and there are many who are ready, willing and able to move, and whom employers need for vacant positions. Let's pick the "low hanging fruit" and ensure immigrants have good jobs in the private sector.

Overqualified immigrants really are driving taxis in Canada - The Globe and Mail

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