Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Statistics Canada released today the results of the latest Census with immigration figures and its impact on Canada's population. Of course, in the terse and politically correct Canada, some of the important details are sugar-coated so as not to appear "politically incorrect". For example, the Census figures refer to "Asians" as including the Middle East, something quite amazing, given the enormous differences in migration patterns between countries in Asia. Also, the Census did not appear to ask respondents if they were actually satisfied in Canada, or if they were employed in their chosen field, or if they ever collected Social Assistance, or if free heath care and education were ever factors in choosing Canada, or wha tkind of impac tthe massive migration patterns has had on national values, their view of the world, foreing policy, etc . Quite lame...very "Canadian"..i would have liked to know the answers to these questions. If we do not ask the "hard" questions, we will never get any answers...See article:

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