Wednesday, December 5, 2007


The new statistics from the latest Census reveal that most of Mississauga's population is foreign born, mainly from India. China dropped to second as a source of immigrants to that city. There is little doubt that Canada has changed dramatically and continues to do so at an accelerated pace. The question really is, if the current trend continues and the percentage of foreign-born population continues to increase, at what point Canada ceases to have a national identity stops being able to integrate newcomers, and becomes merely a "collection of nationalities" rather than a single nation Also, the settlement of immigrants continues to be centered in the big cities and it suburbs, so this also contributes to a huge difference in population composition between the Provinces. This question requires intense national that most politicians would like to avoid like the pest...a.nd we have not even seen the figures on religion yet, which will no doubt show that Islam is the fastest growing religion in Canada and has accelerated in the last five years due to immigration and population growth. Further, another question is: if we get so many immigrants, why are so many job vacancies unfilled, and why are so many newcomers unemployed or underemployed? If all these stats do not merit a national debate, I do not know what will. See article:

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