Monday, August 6, 2007


Mexicans are getting a rough welcome to Canada according to a report in today's Globe and Mail newspaper....they claim that CBSA officers pressure them, go through their luggage and eventually send many back. This is new....but why? Simple: Mexicans are arriving in Canada pretending to be tourists and then making refugee claims in ever-increasing numbers. The number of Mexican claimants has grown five-fold in the last few years....the claims are mostly unfounded and eventually turned down. However, they are clogging the system, to the point that Mexico is the number one refugee-producing country for Canada. The solution is quite simple, yet politically charged: impose a visa requirement on Mexico, which is already the norm form every other Latin American country. The imposition of a visa will serve to scree en legitimate travelers and prevent bogus refugee claimants from reaching Canada. I say do it.

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