Sunday, August 5, 2007


For decades, the US has been the magnet of Latino migration, legal and illegal. The porous Mexican border made it quite easy to sneak in, get a job and simply stay, with few fears of deportation. Now this seems to be changing, but is it really? According to a Toronto Star story, Latinos are heading north because their hopes of ever attaining legal status in the US are fading fast. I am quite skeptical of these claims: while there has been an increase of Latino migration to Canada, it has been mostly the product of Mexicans travelling on a visitors visa and simply making bogus refugee claims, advised by unscrupulous immigration "consultants". The increase has been five-fold, according to figures at the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB), from an average of 1,000 a year to 5,000 a year. However, these numbers are a drop in the bucket when compared to the almost 8,000 illegal Mexicans entering the United States on a DAILY basis, and with a Latino population in the US that is the fastest growing ethnic group in the country and becoming a de-facto majority in many cities. I think the facts in Canada are grossly exaggerated. Latin Americans make a very small percentage of the total immigration to Canada, a very distant figure to the massive migration from China, India , Philippines and Pakistan...and while we need good LEGAL immigrants with the skills our employers need, we certainly do not need more bogus refugee claimants and illegals. See story:

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