Richmond immigration scam 'mastermind' gets seven-year sentence and $900,000 fine
Richmond immigration scam 'mastermind' gets seven-year sentence and $900,000 fine
1,200 clients to be investigated

Some of the Chinese passports and stamps seized by Canada Border Services Agency as part of an investigation into a immigration fraud scheme in Metro Vancouver. CBSA investigators says many" people gained Canadian citizenship through fraudulent means and fake passport stamps from an unlicensed immigration consulting business whose owner, Xun Sunny Wang, has been sentenced to seven years in prison.
A Richmond man who made millions from illegal immigration consultancies in Metro Vancouver has been sentenced to seven years in prison and fined more than $900,000 for a number of fraud-related charges, including making fake Chinese passports, and evading taxes.
Xun “Sunny” Wang, a 46-year-old father of two teenage boys, pleaded guilty in July to eight charges in connection with his businesses New Can Consultants (Canada) Ltd. and Wellong International Investments Ltd — which, according to an agreed statement of facts, charged 1,200 clients $10 million for its fraudulent services from 2006 to 2013.
“I find the gravity of the offences committed by Mr. Wang to be serious,” Judge Reg Harris told a Vancouver provincial courtroom Friday morning. “(His) culpability is extremely high and commensurate with a seven-year sentence.”
Harris also gave Wang, who sat quietly before the judge, one year to pay a working income tax fine of nearly $188,000, as well as about $730,000 for personal tax evasion.
Wang’s charges included six counts under the Criminal Code and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, like defrauding the government and altering passports, as well as two counts under the Income Tax Act for failing to report $2,722,305 of taxable income and evading payment of $730,837 of federal income tax.
According to Harris, Wang’s offences were “complex, sophisticated and well thought-out.”
He referenced Wang’s “misleading paper trail,” which not only included the fake and altered passports, but also his use of fraudulent addresses and phone numbers to make immigration officials believe his clients lived in Canada when they were really living in China. Harris also said Wang made it appear as though his clients were working here for one of his companies and also coached them on how to “mislead citizenship officers.”
“His actions not only harmed the public’s confidence in the immigration process, but he also assisted numerous persons in fraudulently obtaining residency or citizinsehip,” said Harris.
While seven other people have also been charged in relation to the case, Harris said “it is clear that (Wang) was the mastermind behind the scheme.”
Harris also noted Wang “continued offending despite search warrants being executed at his home and offices.” He also violated his bail terms.
“The only available explanation for Mr. Wang’s actions is greed,” said Harris.
The lengthy sentence — which includes credit for time served — will “remind those who are inclined to commit similar offences that the response by the courts will be strong,” said Harris.
Harris also expects immigration authorities will have to review the documentation of Wang’s 1,200 clients “and it’s quite likely some of those will have to be removed from Canada.”
Canada Border Services Agency — which conducted a two-year probe into Wang — did not comment on the specifics of Wang’s case.
“Immigration fraud is a criminal offence in Canada and damages the integrity of our immigration system,” the CBSA said in a brief statement.
“The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) works closely with its domestic and international partners to identify, investigate and prosecute, to the fullest extent, those who violate our immigration laws.”
According to defence counsel Ritchie Clark, Wang will “consider” an appeal.
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