Friday, November 9, 2012


See article below, highlighting the steep cost or removing failed refugees and criminals from Canada. There has been chronic underfunding, but the problem goes beyond money, it has more to do with the lengthy and cumbersome process that allows those who fail to stall and file 'exotic" and :"creative" applications even where there is no merit,  so the system is clogged with thousands of applications that have no other purpose than to buy time, to the detriment of those who have merit and must stand in the same line.

Feds need extra $27M to fight failed refugees, deport criminals


Police and military personnel wear surgical masks as they board the MV Sun Sea after it was escorted into CFB Esquimalt in Colwood, B.C. on Aug. 13, 2010. Federal prosecutors say six people charged with human smuggling in connection with the arrival of the migrant vessel will go directly to trial. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

OTTAWA — The government wants more money to crack down on so-called bogus refugees and others who may be inadmissible to Canada on security grounds, according to supplementary spending estimates tabled in the House of Commons Thursday.
The Canada Border Services Agency and Justice Canada have asked for an additional $4.5 million to “support further investigations of refugee claims and legal proceedings” aimed at revoking the status of or removing individuals who’ve either already returned to their country of origin, are no longer deemed in need of asylum or have fraudulently obtained refugee status.
The funding is meant to “deter abuse of Canada’s refugee protection system.”
A number of other government departments are seeking a total of nearly $23 million to deal with permanent residents and foreign nationals who may be inadmissible on security grounds.
The funds will be used to protect classified information used in immigration proceedings and to ensure adequate security measures are in place to manage potentially dangerous foreigners while they’re in Canada or in the process of being deported.
The funds are also meant to help the government secure assurances from foreign counterparts that the individual being deported won’t be harmed. This is necessary in “exceptional removal cases” whereby those facing deportation are at “substantial risk of torture.
Another $16 million is being sought to support efforts to share immigration information with the United States.
“Canada has the most fair and generous immigration system in the world. However, Canadians have no tolerance for those who abuse our generosity and who take unfair advantage of our country,” said Alexis Pavlich, a spokeswoman for Immigration Minister Jason Kenney.
“Canadians have told us clearly that they want us to take action on this abuse — and our Government has listened.”
The additional costs are due in large part to Bill C-31, the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act, adopted in June. The legislation aims to deport so-called “bogus” refugees quicker and cracks down on human-smugglers, those who arrive in Canada en masse or hail from countries that are deemed “safe,” non producers of refugees.
“The Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act will make our refugee system faster and fairer,” Pavlich said.
“It will put a stop to foreign criminals, human smugglers and bogus refugees abusing our generous immigration system and receiving lucrative taxpayer-funded health and social benefits. At the same time, this bill will provide protection more quickly to those who are truly in need.”
The government has long said the new measures would cost about $540.7 million. It’s also estimated the measures would save Canadian taxpayers some $1.65 billion over five years.
Besides C-31, the government has also made a concerted effort over the last year to strip thousands of newcomers of their citizenship or permanent residency status due to fraud.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has also been cracking down on removing foreign criminals on the Canada Border Service Agency’s “most wanted” list.
The NDP and Liberals say immigration enforcement has suffered from a lack of resources for years and they’re not surprised the government needs more money if it’s going to be able to meet the standards set out in its new legislation.
That said, the opposition slammed the government’s priorities.
“Instead of nation building, they’re sort of always interested more in removing people and yet they don’t resource properly so people can be removed in a timely manner,” NDP immigration critic Jinny Sims said.

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