Wednesday, November 21, 2012


See article below. I do no think he has helped himself by showing callous disregard for the rule of law and announcing that he will return illegally to Canada.

People make choices, and society needs to decide whom it allows to live in its midst, and how much grief it is prepared to tolerate from those whom it welcomes and engage in a career of crime. This is especially true in the cases of those who are granted refugee status and enjoy the generosity of society without having contributed in the past. They are given a rare opportunity to show their gratefulness by becoming god citizens, and yet, some chose to abuse the privilege. That is called  "biting the hand that feeds you". Canada should protect immigrants who come here to be free of the scourge of crime that existed in the countries they fled. Once a person shows it has not adapted to our society and imposes a cost on all of us by his disregard for the rule of law, it should not be our problem where he is sent. That is his problem.

Alberta man faces deportation to Somalia, where he has never lived - The Globe and Mail

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