Saturday, March 17, 2012


The Ontario Liberal government does not seem to understand economics: immigrants will go where the jobs are located, not the other way around. The Ontario government is mindlessly using immigration as a political tool regardless of its constant failures, billions of dollars squandered in programs of dubious value, and trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Ontario cannot compete with the West simply because the Western provinces are creating thousands of jobs before immigrants come to the provinces, strictly based on their need for skilled labour.  Ontario, on the other hand, is a fiscal disaster, should immediately and deeply cut wasteful spending, and allow market forces to determine how many immigrants it needs. There is no economic case to bring immigrants without jobs, that is setting up for failure and a life of public dependency. The best thing the Ontario government can do is to get out of the way and allow employers to determine who they require and when.

Province promises immigration strategy | Home | Toronto Sun

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