Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Large construction group supports changes that will encourage immigration of more trades, better and more suitable skills that can adapt to the economy. The changes make sense and are essential to the economy.

Canadian Construction Association supports immigration reform – Daily Commercial News

March 6, 2012

Canadian Construction Association supports immigration reform


The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) is pleased with the proposed reforms to Canada’s immigration system, as outlined recently by Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.

“Canada’s current immigration system does not adequately address the needs of the Canadian construction industry or the projected growth of the Canadian economy,” said Michael Atkinson, president of CCA.

“On the surface, the reforms outlined sound like they would go a long way to addressing the challenges that employers currently face to bring in skilled workers, which would ultimately contribute to a more competitive Canadian economy.”

With the projected growth in the Canadian economy, particularly in resource-oriented sectors, the need for an efficient construction industry will remain paramount in order to sustain Canadian competitiveness. This also includes building and maintaining the critical core infrastructure required to support those sectors.

Projections currently indicate that the Canadian construction industry will experience a shortfall of 325,000 workers by 2019.

At the same time, demand for construction services in Canada is expected to continue increasing throughout the decade, elevating Canada’s construction market to fifth-largest in the world.


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