Thursday, February 2, 2012


Reports of potential deportation proceedings on former Tunisian dictator's brother in law:

Canada News: Brother-in-law of Tunisia’s ousted dictator faces removal from Canada -

Brother-in-law of Tunisia’s ousted dictator faces removal from Canada

February 01, 2012

MONTREAL—The billionaire brother-in-law of Tunisia’s ousted dictator, who is believed to be hiding in Canada, is having his status revoked.

The Immigration and Refugee Board says Belhassen Trabelsi is due before its appeal division in April to fight that decision. According to the IRB, the reason for the hearing is the appeal of a removal order.

Trabelsi is thought to be quietly living in Montreal with his family since last year, when the Tunisian regime collapsed.

The billionaire fled to Montreal with his family after an uprising toppled former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, using his status to get across the border.

According to the IRB, to keep permanent resident status in Canada, one must be in Canada for at least two years during every five-year period and Trabelsi no longer qualifies for residency.

The Canadian government has said previously that Trabelsi has sought refugee status in Canada and has the right to due process, but they don’t want him here.

The interim government in Tunisia has issued an international warrant for the arrest of Trabelsi.

The Canadian Press

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