Wednesday, November 23, 2011


See report from the CBC below. Some candidates can't even pass a multiple choice exam, others are probably scared to take a written test, some may not even have good language skills... Is it a surprise that incompetence is pervasive at the Immigration and Refugee Board, after so many years of political appointees, favours being dispensed to "community workers" who have no legal training, and a system that is not strictly based on merit? Over the last 21 years, I personally appeared at over 1,000 hearings representing clients of multiple nationalities, and I can confidently say that many Board members are incompetent and are unqualified to hear claims, and that those who make a concerted effort to act conscientiously and apply the law are often frustrated by the general atmosphere of mediocrity and lassitude. And that must change immediately or we will continue to be the laughing stock of the world.

Immigration judges failing new requirements - Montreal - CBC News

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