Friday, November 25, 2011


It took them three years to act, but finally did it. Governments move at a glacial pace. Do the regulations go far enough? Probably not. People think that sponsoring relatives is a "right" but in fact it is a privilege that can be regulated to protect the public. So why should any person convicted of a serious offence be allowed to sponsor unless they have received a pardon and a reasonable period of time has elapsed since that conviction? Political correctness is the answer.

Canada tightens immigration regulations -

Canada tightens immigration regulations

Published: Nov. 24, 2011 at 7:40 AM

OTTAWA, Nov. 24 (UPI) -- Canada's immigration regulations have been tightened to prevent anyone convicted of a violent crime from sponsoring a relative into the country.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said in a release the changes were sparked by an incident he doesn't want to see repeated.

"I was very concerned after a court decision in 2008 found that a Canadian citizen, who was convicted in India of killing his sister-in-law after setting her on fire, could sponsor his new wife," Kenney said. "The regulatory changes now in force aim to prevent a similar situation from happening again."

The minister said the new regulations were essentially designed to protect women.

"There was no ground in our law to deny that spousal sponsorship," Kenney said. "This is to protect vulnerable immigrant women in particular from abusive husbands."

The changes are to regulations and not to law, so didn't require debate in Parliament, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. said.

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