Friday, May 13, 2011


The article unfortunately does not detail when this individual arrived in Canada, how, and whether he made a refugee claim ( most likely, he did), and whether he was held in detention while the case proceeded ( unlikely).

Canada deports alleged assassin back to Burundi

Canada deports alleged assassin back to Burundi

Stewart Bell, National Post · May 13, 2011 Last Updated: May 13, 2011 2:03 PM ET

Canada has deported a Burundian man wanted in his home country for his alleged role in the assassination of an anti-corruption watchdog who was investigating arms trafficking to rebels in the Congo.

Gabriel Nduwayo, who came to Montreal two years ago and claimed refugee status, was escorted back to Burundi by Canadian officials Wednesday. He was arrested by local authorities upon his arrival at Bujumbura airport.

According to Burundian press reports, Mr. Nduwayo, a former footballer also known as Sése, was being questioned by a prosecutor over allegations he had recruited, armed and paid the killers who murdered Ernest Manirumva.

Mr. Manirumva was deputy-chair of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Malpractice Observatory, a non-governmental organization. He was abducted from his home and stabbed in the head on April 9, 2009.

At the time of his assassination, according to the Burundian press, Mr. Manirumva was examining an alleged weapons trafficking network involving corrupt police officials who were selling arms to Rwandan Hutu rebels operating in the Congo.

Days after the murder, Mr. Nduwayo left Burundi for the United States and crossed into Canada. He was arrested here in December 2009, after Burundi issued an international warrant for his arrest, said Jacqueline Roby, a Canada Border Services Agency spokeswoman.

The Immigration and Refugee Board ruled last fall that Mr. Nduwayo was inadmissible to Canada for serious criminality and human and international rights violations. In a last minute attempt to avoid deportation, his lawyer went to the Federal Court of Canada on May 2 but the judge rejected his appeal on Monday. CBSA officials deported him the following day.

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