Tuesday, March 15, 2011


New citizens to study gay rights, equality,values

New citizens to study gay rights, equality,values

Carmen Chai, Postmedia News · Mar. 15, 2011 Last Updated: Mar. 15, 2011 4:10 AM ET

Canada's citizenship study guide will feature new emphasis on Canada's democratic principles, recognition that gay and lesbian couples can marry and state that forced marriage is not tolerated in the country, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced Monday.

At a citizenship ceremony in Vancouver for 45 new Canadians, Mr. Kenney outlined several changes to Discover Canada, the country's study guide for preparing for citizenship tests.

"We expect people who want to become Canadians to have a good understanding of their rights and responsibilities and the values and institutions that are rooted in Canada's history," he said. "The guide is being read by a wide variety of people from citizenship applicants to students and families. And it has sparked a national conversation about who we are as Canadians."

The changes include:

? A new pullout box called "Becoming Canadian," which emphasizes that a newcomer has a responsibility to embrace Canadian democratic principles and that past experiences in warfare or conflict do not justify bringing violent, extreme or hateful prejudices to Canada.

? Recognition that gay and lesbian Canadians enjoy the full protection of and equal treatment under the law, including access to civil marriage.

? The addition of forced marriage among the practices that are not tolerated in Canada.

? Additions to the section on the War of 1812, which celebrates its bicentennial next year. The section has been expanded to include more context on the conflict and its importance in shaping Canada.

? A revamped "Modern Canada" section including new headings, more content about trade and economic growth and more examples of Canada's outstanding cultural figures.

He said the guide, which was originally launched on Nov. 12, 2009, after a panel of Canadian public figures, authors and historians were consulted, touches on Canadians' common values, such as freedom, democracy, human rights and equality of men and women.

Additional questions will be added to the citizenship test to reflect the new information added to the study manual.

NDP immigration critic Olivia Chow called on the government to reinstate sections on gay history and rights in the citizenship guide when she introduced a motion to the House of Commons last year.

"For once, the Conservative government is listening," she told Postmedia News Monday.

"Immigrants coming into the country came here partially because of Canadian values that we're very proud of. I would have put in more description of how Canada is based on medicare, sharing and compassion," she said.

Earlier this year, Mr. Kenney announced that Canada welcomed a record number of immigrants in 2010, with more than 280,000 newcomers entering the country, the highest number in more than 50 years.

About 280,600 new perma-nent residents came to Canada in 2010, which is about 6% more than the expected 240,000 to 265,000 new permanent residents, preliminary data showed.

The minister has been under fire for a letter out of his office calling on Conservative riding associations to donate $200,000 to the party's efforts to target "very ethnic ridings." The letter was printed on Mr. Kenney's MP letterhead.

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