Friday, February 4, 2011


Senator Levin ( D-MI), who has in the past taken strong anti-NAFTA positions, wades into the security debate. Perhaps he has not heard that Prime Minister Harper and President Obama will be meeting to discuss the "security perimeter", a welcome discussion to expedite trade and movement of qualified individuals.

Senator Carl Levin calls for better border security – but not with Mexico - Detroit Political Buzz

Senator Carl Levin calls for better border security – but not with Mexico

February 3rd, 2011 1:54 pm ET
By Richard Weaver, Detroit Political Buzz

..Senator Carl Levin has called for better border security – not on the Arizona border with Mexico rather on the border with Canada. He was reacting to Tuesday’s border report from the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO),

The GAO found that only 32 miles of the 4,000 mile border with Canada is secure. In some areas there is absolutely no view of the border while in other areas the border is treated as a non-existent constraint.

For example, a public library in Derby Line, Vermont straddles the border. Patrons are able to enter from either Derby Line or Stanstead, Quebec. A black line on the library floor denotes the international border. Patrons are free to cross over the line if the book they seek is in the other country. However an honor system is used requesting that patrons leave through the door through which they entered the library. For example, if someone came in the door in Canada, they are not suppose to exit through the USA door as no border agents are present.

The report shows federal agencies are working independently rather than through coordinated efforts.

"I have serious concerns that lack of coordination between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel and Border Patrol personnel is hindering border security in Detroit," said Levin.

Levin was one of the senators who had originally called for the investigation amid concerned that too much attention was being given to the Mexican border while the Canadian border remains very porous.

Attention to the southern border has been intense as politicians and the media continually discuss the problems with the nation’s immigration policy and/or enforcement. However the northern border was used by most of the 19 terrorists when entering the United States before their September 11 attacks.

"Any failure to coordinate efforts between agencies that weakens security on the northern border is totally unacceptable," said Levin.

Both agencies fall under the Department of Homeland Security so the problem may be more of a management problem than policy-oriented. The vastness and culture of the federal government make change difficult.

Following the September 11 attacks Homeland Security was organized to eliminate this type of situation, however the department, under the direction of Janet Napolitano, still has work to do according to Levin.

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