Thursday, June 25, 2009


This story appeared today in the National Post. It highlights the growing problem of "refugees from Mexico". This has been going on for at least three or four years now, and the authorities can not bring themselves to stem this flow of claimants seeking an easy way out of Mexico. Given the tighter US border controls, Canada has become a preferred destination for Mexicans. In addition to the ease of entry for Mexicans, free health care, social assistance, and attractive services, are a magnet for the claimants, who are often misled by unscrupulous individuals who misrepresent the potential final outcome of their claims, which typically take a couple of years to resolve, while the taxpayers pay the bill. For some claimants, this is disappointing, for others, it is a victory when staying in Canada for a few years to escape Mexican poverty and violence, and yet for others, they manage to beat the system by hiding after their refusal, or by marrying a Canadian citizen, having children in Canada, etc. In a recessionary environment, there are no jobs for these claimants, who often speak little or no English, so they become a public charge upon their arrival and for years to come, increasing the already swollen ranks of the poor and unemployed.

Mexican refugees seek haven in Canada

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