Thursday, February 21, 2008


This violent offender is fianlly out of Canada. However, one is left to wonder what took the authorities so long, and how many ohters are here ....The problem is endemic in the system and we need to find a better and faster way to get rid of this trash.
Violent offender deported after four-year delay

Kim Bolan
Vancouver Sun
Thursday, February 21, 2008

VANCOUVER - A violent Polish sex offender deemed too dangerous to stay in Canada eight years ago was finally deported this week after refusing for years to sign the necessary travel documents.
Faith St. John of the Canada Border Services Agency confirmed Wednesday that 51-year-old Jerry Bielecki was returned to Poland after four years in detention in Canada and more than 40 immigration hearings.
The Sun revealed this month how Bielecki manipulated the Canadian immigration system to avoid deportation, although he had a lengthy criminal record in B.C. for rape, uttering threats, unlawful confinement, fraud and drug offences.
Poland had been refusing to take Bielecki back until reversing its position this week.
In fact, Canadian officials travelled with Bielecki to Poland on March 11, 2004, and were refused admission to the country, so had to return to Vancouver with the untreated sex offender in tow.
St. John said she could not comment specifically on how Bielecki was removed, but that the deportation was carried out with the cooperation of the Polish government.
She said normally when a deportee has a violent criminal record, he or she is escorted back to the originating country and surrendered to authorities.
"We do hand them over to our counterparts in that country," St. John said. "If the person has a criminal record and that criminal record is public information, then we would provide that to them."
Before someone with a violent record is deported, a risk assessment is carried out to determine issues like "their criminal history, what kinds of crimes were committed and the level of compliance to returning to their home country," St. John said.
"That risk assessment would also determine how many removal officers would escort that person -- whether that would be one or two or more."
Bielecki's four years in immigration detention was the longest of any pending deportee in Western Canada, immigration officials confirmed.
Liberal public safety critic Ujjal Dosanjh said Wednesday it is a good thing that Bielecki was finally deported, but it doesn't make up for the original problem of a dangerous criminal avoiding deportation simply by refusing to sign travel documents.

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