Saturday, February 9, 2008


Here is something to make you think a little about how naive the authorities are in Ontario. First, there should be no reason why the government should accord ANY recognition to polygamy, no matter where it originates, at home or abroad, it is not only contrary to public policy, bu talso against common sense. Second, no polygamist wife should get ANY social assistance payments, they should not be in Canada in the first place, as their husbands probaly lied in their immigration applications when they brought them in (polygamy is a prohibited relationship under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act). Third, why should they get welfare in an economy that is begging for low-skilled workers? Let them go to work and stiop this politically correct charade.
Only one wife gets benefits: province

Social Services Minister upset by polygamist claim

Natalie Alcoba, National Post
Published: Saturday, February 09, 2008

Ontario's Minister of Community and Social Services said she is "perturbed" to hear claims that men with multiple wives are taking advantage of welfare and social benefits in Ontario.
According to a published report, an official from the Canadian Society of Muslims estimated that "several hundred" GTA husbands in polygamous marriages are receiving benefits for their many wives.
Mumtaz Ali referred to a passage in the Ontario Family Law Act that recognizes spouses in a polygamous marriage, provided it was celebrated in a country that recognizes the union as valid.
But provincial officials said yesterday the Family Law Act was designed to create equality among spouses when a marriage ends, and serves to also protect people who married into a legal polygamous relationship in another country, then moved to Ontario.
Polygamy in Canada is still illegal, the officials said.
"Not knowing the law is not an excuse," said Madeleine Meilleur, Minister of Community and Social Services, which funds the social assistance program called Ontario Works. "They should know that in Canada there is no polygamy and that only one wife is covered. I'm sure that if they are receiving more money it is because they are not reporting properly the situation of the other wife. They may be reporting them as children."
It is unclear from Mr. Ali's comments if the Muslim men are illegally claiming benefits for more than one wife, either as a spouse or a dependant, or if the additional wives are claiming as individuals, which is permissible. Under Islamic law, a Muslim man is allowed to have mulitple spouses.
John Tory, leader of the Ontario PC opposition, said the government needs to clarify how the Ontario Works Act and the Family Law Act apply.
"I think there would be a lot of people who would surprised there was legal recognition, even though the recognition was to protect the spouses, they would be surprised we recognized those [polygamous] marriages," he said, noting that does not mean it has to change.
"But I think there should be some exercise in making sure the public understands what the law says, and that the government clearly says this is their intention."
Both city and provincial officials insist that in Ontario, social benefits can be claimed for only one spouse.
"Nothing is stopping the other people who live in the same dwelling froºm applying as individuals, and if they meet the requirements they may be eligible for social assistance, but you definitely cannot tick off that you have more than one spouse because it's not recognized, it's not legal in Ontario," said Julia Sakas, communications assistant to Ms. Meilleur.
"It's actually quite a stringent application process because we want to make sure the money goes to the people who need it and are eligible for it, and not going to people who are trying to defraud the system."
She said the government works to limit welfare fraud as much as possible, and takes allegations of it very seriously.

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