Friday, November 30, 2007


A judge at the Federal Court of Canada has struck down the provisions of the Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States, which allowed Canada to prevent the entry of "refugee claimants" though the Canada- US border, and direct them back to be dealt with in the US. The US could do the same and return the asylum seekers to Canada, but undoubtedly, the vast majority of asylum seekers were coming from the US into Canada. many of them had lived in the US for many years, and were motivated to move to Canada by a variety of factors, including the perceived US crackdown on illegal aliens, the free health care and social services provided in Canada, and other economic incentives. In late 2004, a rush of applicants from Pakistan, many of whom had been living illegally in the US for a dozen years, made their way to Canada to seek asylum based on mostly bogus stories. A similar rush is now in progress by Mexicans and Haitians who can not be sent back to the US, and arrive at the border towns, taxing social services. The decision of the Federal Court judge can be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal, and eventually, may end up at the Supreme Court of Canada,. Given the ramifications and importance of this case, it is expected that the government will appeal the decision. Otherwise....get ready for an onslaught of thousands of "refugees" driving their cars through the Canada-US border!

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