Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The current surge on the number of illegal aliens residing in the US and attempting to enter Canada to claim "refugee status" seems to be cantered in the Naples, FL, area. A self-styled "humanitarian" (who, incidentally, charges Haitian migrants for his services) seems to be one of the persons responsible for spreading the rumour that Canada is the land of milk and honey for those illegally in the US , who head North after many years there, claiming to be "refugees'. The Naples Daily News run an editorial on the subject yesterday ( link below). What should Canada be doing? Obviously the claimants are hardly "refugees" fleeing persecution, after spending many years in the US. they are coming to Canada to take advantage of generous health and social services, which they have been conveniently trained to ask for. These bogus claimants are clogging the system (that is part of the game), and making waiting times longer for legitimate refugees, not to mention overtaxing border communities. I say detain them, expedite their hearings, and if they fail, deport them without delay. The message will travel fast back to the US and the trend will stop. Nip this problem in the bud. This is absurd. Canada is not a dump site for US rejects. This is a planned and deliberate attempt by some profiteers portraying themselves as "humanitarians" to flaunt the law. Stop this now ...or get ready for massive numbers of the so-called "refugees" from the US.

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