Saturday, August 11, 2007


Here is another prime example of why the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) should be replaced by REAL judges who understand the law and have tenure, rather than political appointees who are ....well...just that:
Teen Wanted In Tennessee Slaying Wants Refugee Status In Canada
August 11, 2007 2:58 p.m. EST
Valerie Chang - AHN News Writer

Edmonton, AB (AHN) - Canadian authorities are appealing a decision that could set a teenaged boy free in Canada to pursue a refugee claim even though he is wanted in Nashville, Tennessee on charges that include criminal homicide.
Police in Nashville believe that Nasser Muhsin, 16, shot and killed a man during a robbery last November. Before authorities there could arrest him, Muhsin made his way to Canada.
Muhsin, who surrendered to authorities in Canada in June, has been held at a youth detention facility in Edmonton pending deportation proceedings. However, Muhsin recently argued before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) that he wants to be released from custody to pursue a refugee claim that might allow him to stay in Canada.
The basis for Muhsin's refugee claim is that he is a former member of the notorious Bloods gang and, because he left the gang in the summer of 2006, his life would be in danger if he returned.
On Wednesday, the IRB entered an order setting Muhsin free as long as he lives with his uncle in Edmonton and checks in with immigration officials twice each week.
Government officials appealed the IRB decision, and on Friday afternoon, Judge Robert Barnes of the Federal Court of Canada temporarily halted Muhsin's release, calling the IRB's order setting Muhsin free pending extradition to the U.S. "unreasonable."
The government's appeal of the IRB decision is expected to be heard in the fall.
I hope the IRB member who made this decision can sleep at night....I would bet you that this "refugee" claim could be dealt with faster and more efficiently while this fugitive is in jail....

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