Wednesday, August 15, 2007


A couple of yeas ago, former Citizenship and Immigration Minister Judy Sgro had to resign, partly because she showed favouritism towards a Romanian stripper ( or "exotic dancer", in its more politically correct form). The government then acted to remove the exemption from obtaining a Labour Market Opinion for strippers. Now it seems that the rejection rate at Visa posts is quite high...I suppose the dancers are having trouble showed the evidence :-). According to an article in the Toronto Sun , the situation is dire:

"Hundreds of foreign exotic dancers here on temporary work permits may go under cover if federal legislation that could ban the import of strippers into Canada becomes law, says an association that represents the women.
A public meeting is being held tomorrow at City Hall by the Adult Entertainment Association of Canada (AEAC), which is gearing up for a battle with Immigration Minister Diane Finley to scrap bill C-57. Meetings are also being held this month in Niagara Falls and Windsor.
"We are bracing up for a fight," said association spokesman Tim Lambrinos. "This bill is threatening our industry and our livelihood."
In the last two years, only 17 dancers were issued work permits to travel to Canada. So far this year, seven have been allowed in, Lambrinos said.
"There's a 98% rejection rate by visa officers abroad," he said yesterday. "The government is trying to ban a legitimate business and legal occupation."
Up to 700 dancers, many in the Toronto area, who are here on work permits may not return home if they know they can't qualify to return to Canada, Lambrinos said.
"These women will be cut off and forced to go underground if that legislation goes through," he said.
"They know they won't be able to return if they leave Canada."
The foreign dancers are required to supply the demand of 33 clubs in the GTA, Lambrinos said.
Toronto lawyer Peter Rekai, who has been retained by the association, said he's prepared to challenge the law in the federal court if it is passed.
His group is also planning to meet with Finley and to appear before a standing committee studying the bill.
Immigration spokesman Karen Shadd-Evelyn said the amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act will help prevent foreign workers from entering situations where there is a risk of exploitation or abuse. "
I have always wondered what happened to the home grown talent......See the article at:

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