A few years ago, there was an investigation into some Toronto-area schools catering to foreign students, and the authorities discovered that the students ne'er went to class, and they were happy not to. Why? Because they were bogus, all they wanted was a Study Permit to be able to work and stay in Canada for as long as possible...and the school was more than happy to oblige. it seems that the problem never went away...now B.C. "schools" catering to foreign students are under the microscope, It is not a matter of whether they are fake, because they are. It is simply a matter of why CBSA and CIC do little about it. They complain that they do not have the resources for what they call "low priority" cases because they must concentrate on criminals and national security cases. This seems misguided. If a potential criminal or national security threat knows that he or she can get tin easily as a bogus student, wouldn't that be a "security matter"? Also, as far as resources....if CBSA would start detailing fake school owners and deporting bogus students in large numbers, I would bet you that the word would get out pretty quickly around the world that the jig is up. See story: